The Adaptive Athletes Program is CrossFit that is
specially designed for individuals with disabilities.

We believe that CrossFit truly is for everyone and by adapting movements and exercises, we are able to overcome our limitations to increase functionality, promote independence and improve quality of life.
Our coaches are on hand to guide you and provide corrections to movement faults that are unique to each individual.
Sessions are conducted in a group and you will become part of a community that is always ready to ask more of themselves.
Movements are taught in a progressive fashion and this will allow for you to pick up new skills regardless of your background or prior athletic experience.
Our emphasis is for you to get challenged, overcome your limits and to experience CrossFit.
Prior to registering, please review the class age groups, timetables and drop us a message prior such that we can have a discussion on how you can best adapt to our program.
Timetable :
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday : 8.15 am
Thursday: 8.15 am & 6.15pm
Saturday: 8.30 am
Prices : 12 session pass @ $125
Book your first class or filling up the form below indicating your type of disability and we will get in touch with you to confirm your registration.
We look forward to having you!
Registration form
Alternatively, drop us an email at info@innervatefit.com
or reach us at +65-88863099‬.