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Innervate Milestones Pt. 4 - 2018

Singapore Team Rumble

In January 2018, we organised our first Team Rumble – a fitness competition held in conjunction with Music For A Cause’18 that allowed teams to challenge their fitness and unity. What was special about this was that we were finally able to share our vision of #FitnessForAll with the wider fitness community in Singapore and bring it to life. Being an inclusive competition, Team Rumble was the first-of-its-kind in Singapore where EVERYONE was welcome to take part, from the youth to adaptives to masters.

Winners of the Women's RX for Singapore Team Rumble 2018.

The turnout was great and we were

glad to have the #InnervateFamily involved as both participants and crew. We’re also proud of our Team #SuddenlyHere from Innervate for winning the women’s RX, as well as the rest of the teams for amazing us with the level of fitness and unity displayed!

Inclusive Sports Festival

Continuing on championing #FitnessForAll, Innervate demonstrated how we adapt workouts for our adaptive athletes and engaged attendees in an experiential booth at the Inclusive Sports Festival (ISF) in August 2018. ISF is a platform where everyone and anyone is welcome to experience fitness in an inclusive setting – something which we hold very closely to our hearts. The opportunity to be involved and make an impact was indeed a great one for us!

The Innervate Family at ISF'18.

We also remember and appreciate the massive support of the #InnervateFamily who had shown up to show heart as well as celebrate our 4th anniversary with a combined workout. We’re so thankful to have members that share our vision and allow us to keep doing what we’re doing for social good!

Growth of the Innervate Family

Redefining Family Fitness as a community :)

2018 is a year we’ll remember as one where the #InnervateFamily grew as a community once again. Going for events such as Team Rumble as well as Mettle Challenge where they used their #FitnessForACause, our members banded together in solidarity and grew in both fitness and heart together. #FamilyFitness is more than just different generations of a family coming together to do fitness, it’s also about forging bonds across groups whose only seemingly common interest is achieving fitness. With more mass WOD classes conducted that included everyone from the teens to the adaptives, new bonds were made, strengths and weaknesses were embraced, and limits were pushed.

We’re really so proud of how far the #InnervateFamily has come!

Continue reading Part 5 here.

Read Part 3 here.


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Innervate : 398 Race Course Road, S(218651)

Whatsapp / Call : 88863099

Innervate CrossFit Singapore

To build fitness through effective coaching and foster a community of care for social well-being and impact for all ages and stages of life.

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